Saturday, September 19, 2009

Recoverying Well

Christ is the Wonderful God!

This is Justin Thomas, Al's son.

Thanks for all your prayers and caring words over the last few days. They are spiritual words that do make a difference in my dad's life.

The surgery had no 'complications', as Dr. Yang said, the chief surgeon who led the four hour surgery at Johns Hopkins.

He is recovering in ICU for another day and then will be transferred to general care. He is still in considerable pain, as anyone would be after having extensive surgery, but medically he is doing quite well.

Amazingly, twelve hours after the surgery, they got him up to walk around the ICU for one lap...a considerable task, I think. The Nurse Practitioner said it was the fastest lap she has ever seen. I guess he was looking forward to getting back into bed. lol. He is not allowed any fluids for another day as his esophagus needs to have rest from any drink or food. After two days he will begin to drink small amounts of water, and slowly build up to solid foods over time.

Thank you again for your friendship and partnership with him, helping him continue to walk forward through this challenge. He is stronger because of you.

I will update you soon as events unfold.

Justin (Al's son)


  1. God is so wonderful! As I was praying for Al and Sherry today, the Lord imprinted something on my heart and redirected my prayers. This is the part He wanted Al and Sherry to hear....
    "You don't have to travel and provide ministry for others to receive more provision. He is going to provide all you need and more during this time of rest and healing." Praise God!! Although it is your heart to work for growth and maturation of your Father's Kingdom---there are times your Father wants you to have a season of rest---just as the fallow ground on the 7th year had to rest--so do we at times. I am sure there is a special seed that is being prepared to bloom during this new season--new direction---new growth. Blessings.

  2. justin,
    thanks for the update - all good news!!

    we'll pass it on. Al & Sherry are now the champs, and Jesus in the Coach! that's a real team!!
    keep pluggin',
    john & linda
