Monday, June 29, 2009

Late night Hospital visit

Greeetings my brothers and sisters. Everything was going along fine Sunday (June 28th), I got up, kissed Sherry (she's easy to kiss you know). Prayed, read the Word, thanked God for His love, my family and my healing. Had my usual Cream of Wheat for breakfast, took my 8 trillion medications (amazing it only took 7 minutes). The rest of the day was fine until I took a nap (this radiation is starting to cause me to get a bit weary). Awakening from the nap I noticed something laying on the feeding tube. Major ooops! Although I don't use the tube right now, since I can take soft food by mouth it is still important to have that in all the time, because when, i.e. if, I do have to get the final surgery they will need it use to it. Still trusting for my miracle of course.

So, I when noticed the tube had flew the coup (7 PM), the hospital was called. "Get here now", they said.' Once there they decided to call Hopkin's and were told to just bangage me up and instructed us to go home until the next day and then come back for the re-insertion. Well, we got back at the house about 10:45 PM when the phone rang and Hopkins had called back telling us to go to the local hospital again and let them put in a new feeding tube. We today (monday) go back to the hospital for the correct feeding tube and a dye inspection to make sure it goes in the right place.

We arrived home last night at 12:15 AM

Speaking of the 'right place' to insert something so you always have His peace make sure your place is a trusting place in Him. One of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 26:3. Read it...

Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice!

Thanks for your love, prayers and support.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Thankful Heart

Howdy folks:

Well, I'll getting radiation five days a week at the local clinic and will reenter the hospital July 8th for another five days of chemo. I don't look forward to going back to the hospital for that week but I'm gonna be a good trooper. I have been in the word day and night, mostly dwelling on Psam 103 and getting it in my head and heart. I am still believing for a complete divine miracle from heaven.

I have gotten so many cards, notes and letters of encouragement I am humbled and overwhelmed by the love of God's people. Do I really know that many people? Over the years, I have been ministering almost in auto-pilot, rising up day by day and going to meeting after meeting, teaching, praying for so it seems I am so surprized that it seemed to affect so many people. The devil has a way of convincing God's servants that 'you are not really doing much or 'bearing much fruit.' I say in all humility, God will help you when you need it (whenever) but especially when you are down the most. Fellow servants, never think that God does not appreciate what you are doing, from giving a cup of cold water to preaching the gospel, keep on the move for God, He is lovingly watching over you and your ministry and family.

Thank you, thank for your prayers and love for me, Sherry and all of your support.

With a grateful heart....

LOVE, AL & Sherry

Monday, June 15, 2009

Back Home for a while...

Hello my dear friends:

Hope you are all well. I was released from the local hospital late saturday (13th) after a week of chemo and other meds. So very good to be home with my Sherry and little dog. Quite week, still no solid food (that's months down the road), by I still have faith being uplifted by you and many others.

In the ministry, over this many years I would often sit at my desk, working, doing the newsletter, praying, connnecting with pastors, others (nettworking, etc.) and some times the devil would whispher, "What good are you going anyway." "You are wasting your time.." The discouragement would occassionnally be overwhelimg. Only after I fell on the knees and praised Him for quite some time did the devil shut up. The ministry is lonely sometimes, (No pity party here).

Yet, since this is has happened, the many cards, notes of encouragement that we have receieved have been like fresh oil...people we never knew who have benifeted from the ministry. Your gifts and love are a breath of God's fresh love for us.....We (with tears) cannnot thank you enough.

So, thank you for your continued love and support...Truly you have the heart of God.

Much, much Love,


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Next Step, Chemo

Hello loved ones:

I will be entering the hospital tomorrow for 5 days of chemo & Radiation. Because of the low blood count, and being what they call too fragile. They need to keep a close watch on me. I have been reading and reading Lamentation 3: 22 - 33, especially vs 32-33 'for men are not cast off by the Lord forever. Though it seems like He brings grief, He will show compassion, so great is His unfailing love. For He does not willingly bring affliction or grief to the children of man.'

This is a seriuous affliction, some die, some live. I am believing to live and then live for Him. Oh, how I miss teaching and ministering to God's people. Some people have told me not to take the chemo or radiation. I have sought His face and receieved a peace.

Since 1971 Christmas day, when the Lord Jesus appeared in my living room, saving and calling me at the same time I have seen many healed. Now, with your prayers, it's my turn.


AL & Sherry (Please also pray for Sherry)

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Hello loved ones:

Yesterday, Sherry and I returned from Johns Hopkins where I was held 6 days. The usual is 3-4. I am a slow learner in this area. I had minor surgery, where they placed a feeding tube in lower intestine and I am now being lovingly fed solely through a lovely small tube that I have nick named 'Lanky' because that was my Dad's nickname.

After the surgery, as I was being awakened by the doc's I became like a mad man, yelling, crying and wondering where I was, who I was and why I was being tortured like this. I was all MAN through and through.

I was fed loads of medications, especially strong pain killers, where upon I occassionally had amazing visions. Most of the visions meant nothing...if all did, and do, we are all in deep doo doo.
But, God has shown me somethings that are giving me fresh revelation to be shared in the future.

Now, unless my Father heals me immediately, I going to the local chemo doc today to set a date for my first shot of the latter.


I will up date again soon.

Your love, prayers and support are so appreciated.