Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Thankful Heart

Howdy folks:

Well, I'll getting radiation five days a week at the local clinic and will reenter the hospital July 8th for another five days of chemo. I don't look forward to going back to the hospital for that week but I'm gonna be a good trooper. I have been in the word day and night, mostly dwelling on Psam 103 and getting it in my head and heart. I am still believing for a complete divine miracle from heaven.

I have gotten so many cards, notes and letters of encouragement I am humbled and overwhelmed by the love of God's people. Do I really know that many people? Over the years, I have been ministering almost in auto-pilot, rising up day by day and going to meeting after meeting, teaching, praying for so many...now it seems I am so surprized that it seemed to affect so many people. The devil has a way of convincing God's servants that 'you are not really doing much or 'bearing much fruit.' I say in all humility, God will help you when you need it (whenever) but especially when you are down the most. Fellow servants, never think that God does not appreciate what you are doing, from giving a cup of cold water to preaching the gospel, keep on the move for God, He is lovingly watching over you and your ministry and family.

Thank you, thank for your prayers and love for me, Sherry and all of your support.

With a grateful heart....

LOVE, AL & Sherry

1 comment:

  1. Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow!
    Praise Him all creatures here below
    Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts!
    Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!
    Thank you Lord for the Healing of our Brother Al. Thank You Lord Jesus. Thank you Lord--We pray that Al and Sherry will be strengthened today and that each of them will find renewal. Thak you Lord Jesus.
